Program Description: Achieving a shift in the paradigm of Egypt is built upon transforming society from consumption to production, from import to export, from unemployment to productivity. This requires a change in the framework, curricula, programs and plans in order transform Egyptian villages from consumers to producers  and​ ​transform​ ​the​ ​governorates​ ​from​ ​importing​ ​to​ ​exporting. 
 Vision:​​ ​A​ ​producing​ ​village​ ​and​ ​an​ ​exporting​ ​governorate. 


  1. Job​ ​Opportunities:
    • 2​ ​million​ ​jobs​ ​annually​ ​for​ ​5​ ​years​ ​(1​ ​+​ ​1)
    • 1 million jobs to be created during the year in Egyptian villages (300 jobs / villages)
    • 1​ ​million​ ​jobs​ ​to​ ​be​ ​created​ ​in​ ​provincial​ ​centers​ ​and​ ​cities.
  2.  Production:
    • Develop a map that identifies development gaps and investment opportunities​ ​in​ ​villages​ ​and​ ​governorates.
    • Geographical targeting of productive and service projects in the Egyptian villages in the fields of agriculture, industry, transportation, education,health,​ ​logistics,​ ​services,​ ​and​ ​others.
    • Project of promotion and marketing of producing villages and exporting  governorates.
    • Building​ ​incubators​ ​for​ ​entrepreneurs​ ​within​ ​universities​ ​in​ ​governorates.
  3. Trainings:
    • Preparing an integrated project for vocational training in the Egyptian governorates​ ​(at​ ​the​ ​level​ ​of​ ​centers​ ​and​ ​villages).
  4. Institutional​ ​Framework:
    • Reconstruction​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Village​ ​Development​ ​Authority.
    • Relaunch​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Integrated​ ​Rural​ ​Development​ ​Program​ ​"Shorouq".
    • Expansion of the national project for the geographical targeting of the villages​ ​in​ ​need.
    • Building partnerships with ministries, sectors, governorates and  institutions. 

Legislative​ ​and​ ​Constitutional​ ​Framework:  

  • Constitutional​ ​articles:​ ​29​ ​and​ ​78