Local Economic Development
Category : Empower Local Authorities
The Egyptian Governorates face many issues and differences on the developmental level of governorates. Such problems are: low living standards, high level of poverty, injustice in development returns’ distribution, in addition to developmental disparities among governorates, besides the high levels of unemployment, particularly among youth and villagers, lack of optimal and efficient use of local resources.

Civic Engagement
Category : Empower Local Authorities
International and non-governmental organizations have worked for many years in development programs that cover various sectors including health, education, the environment ,and others. Despite the efforts and resources employed in these programs, development needs are increasing and there is still much to be done to achieve inclusive development.

Human Development
Category : Citizen Development
Human development is the mind, spirit, thought, body, knowledge and ethics. This program focuses on building the Egyptian personality with its true characteristics, distinctive rhetoric and modern aspirations. This is to achieve a start in developing in a society of knowledge that believes in peace, openness and progress.

Productive Village, Exporting Governorate
Category : Society Development
Achieving a shift in the paradigm of Egypt is built upon transforming society from consumption to production, from import to export, from unemployment to productivity. This requires a change in the framework, curriculams, programs and plans in order transform Egyptian villages from consumers to producers and transform the governorates from importing to exporting.

Knowledge Societies and Smart Cities
Category : Society Development
In today’s age of knowledge, countries are competing to make information more readily available and accessible to the public. In the 1990s Egypt was one of the first developing countries to enter the information age by developing more than 900 national projects and 1300 information and decision support centers in governorates, cities and villages.

Modern Administration
Category : Citizen Development
Building and developing a modern administration in the Egyptian governorates includes (leadership, management, organization, development, institutional development, information and work systems, policies and strategies).

Green governorates
Category : Society Development
To reach out for an economy based on improving social welfare and equity while minimizing environmental risks and dealing with lack of resources, sustainable development is the process of changing and exploiting resources to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Decentralization and Governance
Category : Empower Local Authorities
Building the modern state and achieving a breakthrough in development requires decentralization and governance. The government is working to implement the decentralization as stipulated in the constitution ,and to set the optimal framework for the management of state affairs and society.

A better life for Egyptians
Category : Citizen Development
The Ministry of Local Development seeks to improve the elevating the living standards in the villages and governorates of Egypt, relieve the burden from the citizens by guaranteeing an improved quality of life.

Consolidation of social justice
Category : Society Development
The program works to consolidate social justice in the villages and governorates. Where the government and people of Egypt have lived and lived on the principles and values of human and social justice. Throughout history, development gaps have occurred as a result of lack of data, centralization, limited resources and planning and bureaucratic problems.